Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Every Single Day Each of Us Has The Chance To Over Come Challenge!

Each one of us daily and often even many times each day will be confronted with a problem...
or an issue that may seem over bearing!

Often it is a difficult person most of these are difficult because they are not happy in their own lives...
You have heard it said:  "MISERY LOVES COMPANY!"

Many who are unhappy today whether male or female are divorced.
While some marriages break up because either he or she was involved in drugs...
And the drug user never gives up their habit...

This is not the case for the majority of broken marriages...
Most that deteriorate are because both he & she were in too big of a hurry to get married and did not know each other well enough...

They were so lonely & in a hurry to marry they became unevenly yoked and they found they had too many irreconcilable differences.

Often when you or I have a person in our life who is unreasonable, showing them compassion for their situation even in a business relationship which ought to be "just business"...

But their bitterness and jealousy of you gets in their way of doing for you what they are required to...
Showing them compassion will at times win for you a better working relationship for a while.

But other times doing so just makes things messier and whether it is your landlord, realtor, or maybe your direct boss at your place of employment...

While showing a bit of compassion goes a long way with some folks...
Extending compassionate kindness to some will cause them to drag out everything they are supposed to do anyway pressing for social yak yak yak...

And when you find this...sometimes in some cases when you have a choice it may be better to go take your business somewheres else where they appreciate customers and are not oppressive into ones personal affairs.

But God will always show us the best way around a situation or the best path through it when we take each and every circumstance we face...
Each obstacle that befalls us to HIM in prayer...

Sometimes HE will make the way for us to simply bow out...and walk or ride into the sunset.
We can always not let our obstacles become grave stones...
But with our attitude of approach...
Turn every would be grave stone into a stepping stone of hope!